A Note from our CEO regarding COVID-19

Dear colleagues and friends,

We hope you are staying safe and remain healthy in this unusual and unsettling time.

In the best interest of our staff’s health and safety and to do our part as good citizens to “flatten the curve” of the spread of the COVID-19 virus, Lever for Change has moved to remote work through April 5, 2020. During this time, our contact information will not change; we can be reached at the same telephone numbers and email addresses. Scheduled in-person meetings with Lever for Change will be moved online, and we will be in touch shortly to provide call-in information if required. At this point, we do not expect delays to current competition timelines. We will keep you updated as we know more in the coming weeks.

Please be in touch with any concerns you have as we face this new challenge together. We remain more dedicated than ever to working with you to accelerate positive social change around the world. For now, let’s all do our best to stay healthy and help each other get through this.

Best wishes,

Cecilia Conrad
CEO, Lever for Change

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