Executive Summary
Aspire builds on the momentum of the Austin Quality of Life Plan to create four investments strategically clustered around existing assets in an area bound by Madison, Chicago, Central, and Laramie Avenues. These investments will result in a state of the art early learning, health and recreation center, a vibrant neighborhood high school filled with students, an economic hub that connects low-income residents with real economic opportunity, and 60 units of new affordable housing for purchase so that low-income residents have an opportunity to build wealth. The Aspire initiative is part of a collective vision for a powerful and highly collaborative community with the capacity to create a high quality cradle-to-career educational system and a revitalized economy by and for Austin residents. These investments and the activity they catalyze, will address low education outcomes, rising rates of poverty, and lower rates of homeownership in Austin. Austin Coming Together will work with a third party evaluator to measure the long-term impact of Aspire on Kindergarten readiness, high school graduation, income, and homeownership rates in the community by the year 2030. Aspire is led by Westside Health Authority and Austin Coming Together with supported from numerous partners within the community and beyond.
Charity, fund, non-governmental organization, religious institution, school, or other entity
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