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Found 21 solutions with theme Indigenous Populations  
574+ Strong: Creating Regenerative Food Economies in Indian Country
Community and economic development

574+ Strong: Creating Regenerative Food Economies in Indian Country

Intertribal Agriculture Council
Finalist / Racial Equity 2030
Reclaiming Indigenous Children’s Futures through Home-Visiting and Intergenerational Playspaces
Early childhood education

Reclaiming Indigenous Children’s Futures through Home-Visiting and Intergenerational Playspaces

Johns Hopkins Center for Indigenous Health
Awardee / Build A World Of Play Challenge
Delivering Safer Births: Connecting Indigenous Mothers, Midwives, Navigators, and Hospitals in Guatemala
Maternal and perinatal health

Delivering Safer Births: Connecting Indigenous Mothers, Midwives, Navigators, and Hospitals in Guatemala

Maya Health Alliance | Wuqu’ Kawoq
Finalist / Maternal & Infant Health Award
The Future is Indigenous Women
Community and economic development

The Future is Indigenous Women

New Mexico Community Capital & Native Women Lead
Awardee / Equality Can't Wait Challenge
Kawailoa: A Transformative Indigenous Model to End Youth Incarceration in Hawai’i and Beyond
Justice rights

Kawailoa: A Transformative Indigenous Model to End Youth Incarceration in Hawai’i and Beyond

Partners In Development Foundation
Awardee / Racial Equity 2030
50,000 Pastoralist Women: Agents for Change, Transforming Communities
Gender Equality

50,000 Pastoralist Women: Agents for Change, Transforming Communities

Pastoral Women's Council (PWC) - Tanzania
Racial Equity 2030

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