Mariela Evans

Awards Administrator

Mariela is the Awards Administrator for Lever for Change and previously the Team Coordinator for the 100&Change competition. She works with the whole team and manages the everyday program operations. Mariela also handles any contract related matters as well as contract payments.  In her previous roles at MacArthur, Mariela worked in Arts and Culture, Discovery Grants, MacArthur Award for Creative and Effective Institutions, and Philanthropy Grants; as well as for the Conservation and Sustainable Development Program, mainly focused on the Latin American and Caribbean Regions.

Prior to joining the Foundation, Mariela worked in Perú, for CARE International and Peru-Mercantil (a representative company for two computer corporations).

Mariela studied business administration at Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú and completed her Bachelor of Arts in International Business at DePaul University. She is fluent in Spanish and has knowledge of Portuguese.

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