Removing Barriers for Low-Income Texans to Build Wealth

Lone Star Prize
JUST Community

JUST will invest in 20,000 female entrepreneurs to build wealthier, more financially resilient communities across Texas by increasing their ownership opportunities.

Last Updated: September 2024

Executive Summary

Even before COVID, 42% of Texans could not afford basic costs of living despite being employed, and the majority (57%) are Latinx and Black households, despite comprising 43% of total households (1). By 2024, Latinx and Black households are projected to own 60-80% less wealth than they did in 1983, with the median Latinx household wealth hitting zero by 2073 and that of Black households hitting zero by 2053 (2).

Today’s reality is a result of three systemic challenges: lack of family wealth, access to credit, and distrust in the system. JUST’s approach repairs and rebuilds consumer trust by unlocking access to build income- and asset-based wealth. We invest in minority entrepreneurs to grow their businesses and access pathways to asset-based wealth building. Within 5 years, JUST will invest in 20,000 female entrepreneurs and help 200 of them purchase homes across Texas’ major metropolitan areas.

Organization Details
Lead Organization

JUST Community

Organization Headquarters
Texas, United States of America
Organization ID
Number of Full-time Employees
< 10
Annual Operating Budget
$1.0 to 5 Million

Charity, fund, non-governmental organization, religious institution, school, or other entity

Organizations may provide budget and employee data based on this proposal or the organization as a whole. For more information on this proposal or organization, please email us.

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